Archive | February 2013

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Completely Unrelated But Fun

This post has nothing to do with writing, books or publishing. It is just fun and reveals a few personal quirks. 🙂 On a road trip to see the fam, my husband and I heard this song on the radio. He said it was my ‘Anthem’. I buy my clothes at outlets and consignment shops. […]

interactive PDF

I’m trying a new interactive pdf. so far no success My College recommended using Issuu for making attractive digital versions of our design portfolios. I thought I would experiment with an excerpt of one of my books ‘Thrush’. Uploading the file was easy. And the book looks great on their site. However, despite their instructions […]


Some weeks I don’t know what to write. For my topics, I observe the every day human condition, read new books, give updates on my writing or try to make some personal self-discovery. Often I either draw a blank or I have too many ideas but no idea of where to take them. Today is […]

Year One

This week marks one year of blogging. As I originally wrote in the ‘About’ section of the blog, I still do not know the nature of a blog. I write what I’m thinking. Loosely themed around writing, editing, publishing or any literary topic in general. My modest postings have garnered many supportive comments and re-posts. […]

The Hook

In case you missed the commercials…the ‘Big Game’ was Sunday. (I can’t say its proper name without expressed licensed permission.) The game was full of drama and some over-dramatized storylines. Some of the commercials were funny or deliberately dumb. A few were starkly heartfelt. Oprah almost made me miss the fact I was watching a […]