

Is there anything more exciting in literature than starting a new series? Yes, the old, familiar faithful are nice. I am very loyal to a few ladies in mystery and paranormal romance (JR Ward, Charlaine Harris, you know who you are). But sometimes when you read the third or fourth installment in a beloved series […]

When the Main Character Dies…

WARNING YA FICTION SPOILERS   I was terrified Harry Potter was going to die. I struggled with losing Dumbledore and spent several weeks in my adolesence thinking Gandolf was dead.  Killing off paternal secondary characters is a right-of-passage in fiction. Even Luke Skywalker’s family gets axed in STAR WARS. But few authors pull the trigger […]

I am a standard unit of measure

I am fully aware that I am short. I am 5 feet 1 1/2 inches to be exact. Most people just round me down to 5 feet. When describing the heights of other things, co-workers, friends, complete strangers seem to enjoy using me as a unit of measure. For example, “that wall is two Bethanys […]

I Need a New Plan

At the end of the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971), Mr. Wonka reminds Charlie, “don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted”…“He lived happily ever after.” I find myself in the somewhat less fanciful shoes of the fictional man. I’ve had the same goal and plan for decade. […]

Remove and Engage

During the past year, I have taken major steps to advance myself professionally (not with writing, but my ‘real’ life). That has meant weeks lost in study, sacrifice and patience on the part of my husband, and generally having to act like a mature adult. But eventually, I studied all I possibly could and I […]

Mining YA

Hollywood has officially mined out my adolescence. I mean clear cut, stripped down to bedrock. They have left nothing undisturbed. This realization came with seeing a preview for ‘The Giver”. The book by Lois Lowry was one of the first ‘non-kid’ book I remember reading. My middle school library was small; a single room. You […]

Fool’s Resolutions

It is hard to stick to a resolution you make in the dead of winter. It’s cold, snowy (or worse rainy); everything is pretty much grey. Also, I am still wearing 3 layers of clothes and only shaving my legs when I disgust myself. Bikini season is very far away on the horizon but leftover […]

Read Novels…for your Health

While I’ve never needed a reason to read a book, now I have a justifiable excuse. I read for my mental health. There is even a term for it: “Biotherapy”. Books like most entertainment – movies, TV shows, and live sports –  provide a break from reality. For the time that the drama has our […]

Guilty Pleasure

Guilty pleasures are things that may be slightly embarrassing for a profession, mature adult to confess to do and enjoying. I am not giving up anything for Lent; however, I thought I would confess to some of my guilty little pleasures. I play Candy Crush at lunch. Those addictive little colored candies are a ‘gateway’ […]

You see the worst of me

Marriage vows cover the extremes. Richer or Poorer. Sickness and Health. But they don’t mention ‘when-your-wife-gets-off-work-and-changes-into-sweatpants’. I’m cute. Short, curvy, and can look pretty good when I try. For work, I have some professional, sophisticated outfits. “Meeting Days” I usually get especially dressed up with high-heels and maybe even mascara. Unfortunately, the husband only gets […]